

As with most aspects of business operations, marketing is evolving to align with shifting customer interests. New methods are becoming today’s best practice. Novel and disruptive ideas are resulting in innovative campaign concepts.

Following conventional paths will no longer yield the expected ROI nor build brand equity with the target audience. The adoption of digital tools and technologies is key to the advancement of performance. 

Here are critical steps to help you and your team perform projects that will have impact with customers and the bottom line.

Continue reading “Marketing Projects – Achieve Execution Excellence in 10 Steps”



The engineering of a company’s digital commerce is more important than ever before.  Making prudent and progressive infrastructure decisions, while also strategically being lean and competitive, is a new kind of approach which doesn’t occur by happenstance. 

It requires widening your time-honored, long-established lens and committing to an unwavering technology stewardship, along with the following:

  • significant planning
  • objectivity and exploration
  • outcome modeling
  • high-level disciplines and standards
  • continually maturing team insights and ingenuity

Some simple recommendations are to avoid hype, do not be swayed by the claims from technology firms, reps or self-described pros, evaluate a diverse number of methods and pathways, and amplify value and efficiency at every stage.

Why ‘value’ and ‘efficiency’? Because those are the foundations of lean principles.  By creating capabilities-driven production with waste-reducing workflows, the aim is to reach more effective and profitable performance.

Continue reading “Business Use of Lean and New Technologies”



There are a wide range of models and principles around operating a lean business. While being ambitious and driven are admirable, there are many challenges and pitfalls that could undermine your genuine interest in rapid growth.

The primary objective of ‘lean’ is sustainable progress, which may include reducing errors, eliminating unnecessary costs, raising performance, targeted augmentation, customer experience optimization etc.

A high level framework:

  • Build Value
  • Create Impact
  • Increase Velocity & Pace of Production
  • Perform Project  and Priority Mapping
  • Streamline Processes
  • Reduce Workflow Inefficiencies
  • Lower Costs

Continue reading “Leaning Into a Lean Approach”