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Often departments are structured as silos with very little common ground or joint efforts.  Digital transformation requires intersecting disciplines and removing traditional barriers. The ethos of a company depends upon shared ownership of functional, operational, strategic and innovative capacities.

IT is a company’s heartbeat, overseeing technology and securing scalable internal systems.

Marketing is its persona and customer conduit, designing a value-driven brand experience.

Making headway in your digital presence, engagement and earnings relies on an alignment and synergy between these sources.

At the core of the two branches is data.

  • IT = how data is assembled, structured, stored, secured and dispersed
  • Marketing = how data is utilized, analyzed, modeled, made actionable and measured

Strengthen your Infrastructure and Marketing by developing blended strategies, projects and metrics. And optimize your investment by no longer operating them as cost-centers, but instead as engines for revenue augmentation.

There must be an imperative that internal and external performance are prioritized, executed and validated by mutual consent. Additionally, IT and Marketing leaders must come together to agree and endorse the who, what, why, when and how of every pursuit.

Create a coalition that works together on the following:

  • Business Objectives
  • Project Goals
  • Scope & Requirements
  • Value to be Gained (for the company and customers)
  • Needs to be Met (for the company and customers)
  • Tactics to be Utilized
  • Standards for Efficiency, Quality & Security
  • Risk Mitigation and Reduction
  • KPIs to be Measured
  • Means to Affirm Targets have been Achieved

What might cause imbalance, conflict or defiance?

Effective collaboration and a dynamic partnership only come about with purposeful intent. Challenges that could impede your efforts to connect the two departments include:

  • Significantly different cultures 
  • Disparity in work cadence
  • Dissimilar modes of production
  • Unaligned views on quality 
  • Resistance to new methods
  • Infusion of ‘politics’ and power struggles
  • Distrust, disinterest or disrespect 

Leaders and teams must be truly committed to working together and believe in their ability to bring value to the company and their customers through an immersion of shared ideas and ambition.

Take advantage of business units practicing cross-functional knowledge exchanges to prevent false perceptions and to pool success metrics. By bringing priorities together, there will be heightened awareness, broader insight, greater clarity, and a stronger unity to the organization’s mission.

Aim to elevate your digital performance by making IT and Marketing your Stalwart Center of Excellence, in sync and with an allegiance to escalate and protect the bottom line.

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