

The Brand Lens

These the elements that shape and influence how people perceive your company through a variety of communication practices, forms, networks and conduits. 

The key component is to infuse points of parity with a distinguishing presence, which set a precedence for profitable interest through targeted engagement.

First step is a Brand Audit to evaluate and compare existing assets, equity, angles and content mix.

A good exercise is a candid SWOT Analysis – of just the brand, not the business.  Identify only 2-3 for each quadrant [strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats]. List them in order of priority and then set strategies for reinforcement and optimization.

Next step is an action plan to tailor your Brand Message.  Too often, the same content is distributed across touch points which inhibits consumption. Essential for Brand ROI is developing the right approach, style, voice and reasoning for the different audiences that you aim to attract and acquire.

Whether a channel is paid, owned, shared or earned, utilize data to gain insights on the branding activities that seize and hold attention and those that fail to perform.

Recognize these critical dynamics of Brand Communications:

  • The foundation of digital commerce is well-articulated, highly resonating and truly valuable messaging 
  • Integrate, penetrate and diversify messaging based upon known factors including needs, urges, motivations, events and pursuits
  • The objective in every communication is to answer the ‘why’ and to activate interest
  • Establish a competitive edge by continually optimizing and maintaining an agile mindset
  • Maintain a confidence that motivation is movable, and persuasion is pliable from which you can achieve a net gain 
  • Track the performance of brand communications and campaigns to measure effectiveness, actions, efficiency and reach

A company has command of how its brand is perceived.  Remember that less is more and simple is better.  Meaningful engagement requires mapping the customer journey and then identifying behaviors at key moments along the path.  In addition, work from the basis that you have significant opportunities to influence one’s impression of your brand and to be a solution to their pain points. 

Make brand positioning and usability seamless, fluent and convincing. Frame interactions based on people’s preferences (i.e. channels, frequency, tone, patterns).  And, above all else, bring substantive value whether it is economical, entertainment, enlightenment or engagement.

Aim to transform a communication from a brand presentation, promotion or pitch to a relevant message that reflects personalized esteem for the customer’s unique attributes and interests, and a genuine intent to offer quality and benefit.

The next question is…. does your brand have charisma? We will delve into traits and features of Brand Charisma, along with forming Brand Structure, in Part III of this blog series.

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